In this workshop style course, students will form groups of 3 people. Each group will develop an individual AI and a group AI for the multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) game Heroes of Newerth (HoN). The course starts on the 16th of May and ends on the 27th of May. The estimated work amount for this course is about 5 hours per day (weekends not included). At the end of the course there will be a tournament, where teams will battle for the course championship.

Learning diary
Learning diary * Group makes together * Recap of the day * End summary * Return in pdf. form at friday 27.5. before 15:00 to both: pessi.moilanen (at) sami.saada (at) Recap of the day: * Small discussion * What did we do? * What did we learn? * What next? End summary about group working: * What worked or didn't work? * What you could have done better? * How did groupworking go? * How are you feeling?
- Good initiator with hook
Monkey king
Puppet master
Macro, hero AI, week 1
- Buying items
- Using courier
- Lasthitting
- Positioning
- Pushing mode
- Killing mode
- Noticing tower range
- Using skills
- Using items
Micro, team AI, week 2
- Chaining stuns
- When to push as a team
- When and who picks rune
- Who to target
- Who takes lasthits
- When it is right time to be aggressive
- Who initiates
Warding(normal wards can't be accessed when on hero, but revealing wards work normally)
How to install game
Copy-paste to terminal
curl -L | xz -d | tar x -C /var/tmp && chmod a+rwx /var/tmp/HoN
Patch midwars map to support bot games.
curl -L > /var/tmp/HoN/game/maps/midwars.s2z
Give permissions to everyone just in case you are not in same PC on next day.
chmod 777 -R /var/tmp/HoN/*
How to start hon bot project
Fork the repository
Clone the forked repository inside your home directory
Create symlink so that games game/bots directory points to forked repository
ln -s ~/path/to/repo game/bots
Then start the game
How to run bot games
Open console with ctrl + F8 and then copypaste following:
Alias "create_midwars_botmatch_1v1" "set teambotmanager_legion; set teambotmanager_hellbourne; BotDebugEnable; StartGame practice test mode:botmatch map:midwars teamsize:1 spectators:1 allowduplicate:true; g_botDifficulty 3; g_camDistanceMax 10000; g_camDistanceMaxSpectator 10000;" Alias "create_midwars_botmatch" "set teambotmanager_legion; set teambotmanager_hellbourne; BotDebugEnable; StartGame practice test mode:botmatch map:midwars teamsize:5 spectators:1 allowduplicate:true; g_botDifficulty 3; g_camDistanceMax 10000; g_camDistanceMaxSpectator 10000;" Alias "team_default_legion" "set teambotmanager_legion default; AddBot 1 Default_Devourer; AddBot 1 Default_MonkeyKing; AddBot 1 Default_Nymphora; AddBot 1 Default_PuppetMaster; AddBot 1 Default_Valkyrie" Alias "team_default_hellbourne" "set teambotmanager_hellbourne default; AddBot 2 Default_Devourer; AddBot 2 Default_MonkeyKing; AddBot 2 Default_Nymphora; AddBot 2 Default_PuppetMaster; AddBot 2 Default_Valkyrie"
To start the game write:
For first week use this command to create alias for 1v1 match:
To add heroes write:
team_default_legion team_default_hellbourne
And finally, press start match.
In game you can have test++ menu, where you can do nice stuff:
UICall testppp_mainButton SetVisible(true)
How to update default bots
First of all you need to add remote repository for original bots:
git remote add tkt-hon
After that you can pull changes from that remote:
git pull tkt-hon master
At first week we are making single hero AI's for five heroes listed above. At second week we are focusing into team AI's. At the end of second week learning diary needs to be submitted to course organizers.
Download package:
curl -L > /var/tmp/HoN/game/resources999_aig3_midwars_week1.s2z
Results in Challengo page
Hero specific results in Google Docs, thanks Hiridur
Final Tournament
Patch midwars map to support bot games.
curl -L > /var/tmp/HoN/game/maps/midwars.s2z
Download package:
curl -L > /var/tmp/HoN/game/resources999_aig3_midwars_week2.s2z
Results in Challengo page
Our wiki page contains some material.
You can find short description about lua library: gist
HoN has community forums, where are lots of useful tips. Bots and Technical Discussion
API stuff aren't so well documented yet, but some Lua API stuff from official GitHub page (there are only files, but not documentation yet).